Next Steps

We are the church and we exist for you!

Our plan is to help you worship on a Sunday through worship and preaching, get connected in community throughout the week through teaching, experience healing and discover your purpose, and ultimately live a transformed life!

Foundations Class

The goal of our 10-week membership class, led by Pastor Jacob, is for you to walk away with a greater understanding of the Bible, the Mission & Vision of theCross, and our key teachings. Together we will unpack important topics such as the Attributes of God, the Trinity, Humanity & Sin, Salvation, and more!

Transformation Small Groups

Because it doesn’t matter who you know as much as it matters who really knows you. Really knowing and being known is difficult in our time and culture. Join a Transformation Group to find people who will love you unconditionally, support you when life is difficult, and celebrate with you when life gives you wins! Explore all of our Transformation Small Groups today.

Restoration Nights

Life is just hard sometimes. We get it and want to walk with you through it. Especially the hard parts. Restoration Nights are broken up into 2 hours. In the first hour, we come together to worship, pray, and listen to a biblical teaching about hope and healing. In the second hour, we dive deeper into our Healing Groups. 


Jesus gave us the holy act of Baptism as a tangible way to receive His grace, forgiveness, and salvation. Baptism washes away our sins because we are buried through the water and raised again to new life in Christ.

If you’re ready to take your next step, please sign up via the link for the next Baptism experience!

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