
Thank You!

Thank you for supporting our church! Click the link below to give online safely and securely!

Why We Give

We do not give out of guilt or to earn our salvation or to buy favor with God. We give because we have been given to.

We give because we recognize that God has blessed us immensely and so we honor him by giving back to him out of our gifts. We give because we trust God and know that he is taking care of us and so we are free to be generous and put our gifts to use in his service. And we give because we know our gifts make an impact on our community, both through supporting the sharing of the Gospel, and meeting the real and tangible needs of those around us.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

How Do I Donate Securities to The Cross?

Donating securities (e.g. stocks, bonds, mutual funds) directly to The Cross can have tax advantages. Please be sure to discuss this with your financial advisor. If you would like to donate securities, use the information below.

Give your broker instructions to transfer the selected securities to the brokerage account for The Cross of Central Florida, Inc. 

Provide the information below to your broker: 

Account Name: The Cross of Central Florida, Inc.  

theCross Broker: Raymond James
Account Number: 221DV927
DTC #: 0725
The Cross Tax ID#: 81-4417599
Account Type: Non-Profit / Non-Retirement

Whenever you donate securities, please be sure to notify Pastor Jacob Baumann ( or 602-750-0096), so that when your donation arrives in The Cross brokerage account, we will know to include it to your giving records.

Thank you for generously giving to support the advancement of God’s Kingdom!

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